In our essay, we identify the causes of the tarsal tunnel syndrome and re-evaluate the role of ultrasonography and MRI in diagnosis of these causes. High-resolution ultrasound allows direct imaging of the involved nerves, as well as documentation of changes in nerve shape and echotexture that occur in compressive syndromes. Ultrasound can examine a spectrum of extrinsic causes of entrapment, such as tenosynovitis, partial and complete tendinous tear, ganglia, soft-tissue tumors and joint abnormalities. MRI has superior soft-tissue contrast resolution and multiplanar capability,so it can help to determine the cause of ankle and foot pain. It demonstrates soft tissue structures including muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilages, nerves, blood vessels as well as bony structures particularly the bone marrow.Also,Ultrasonography and MRI are two complementary tools of investigation with the former being used as primary tool of investigation and the later is done to confirm the diagnosis and extent of the lesion especially when surgical interference is planned.