Objective: To compare the blood loss at elective lower segment caesarean sectionwith administration of oxytocin 5IU bolus versus oxytocin 5IU bolus and oxytocin30IU infusion.Study design: Women booked for an elective caesarean section were recruited to apilot randomized controlled trial and randomised to either oxytocin 5IU bolus andplacebo infusion or oxytocin 5IU bolus and oxytocin 30IU infusion.We wished toestablish whether the study design was feasible and acceptable and to establishsample size estimates for a definitive multi-centre trial. The outcome measureswere total blood loss at caesarean section and in the immediate postpartum periodand the need for an additional uterotonic agent.Results: A total of 150 womenwere randomisedThe total mean estimated blood loss was lower in the oxytocin infusion armcompared to placebo and fewer women had a major haemorrhage (>1000 ml) orrequired an additional uterotonic agent.Conclusion: An additional oxytocin infusion at elective caesarean section mayreduce blood loss