Approximately one in 1000 children is born with a cleft palate, cleftlip, or with both anomalies. Although bilateral complete cleft lip andpalate is the least common of the upper lip clefts, it has severeconsequences for both the physical and psychological progress of theinfantile development.A multidisciplinary team approach is essential to the care of a childwith a cleft lip. The team should consist of a surgeon, pediatrician,geneticist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist, orthodontist & audiologist. Adetailed history includes the family history of cleft lip and/or palate,prenatal maternal exposures (alcohol, smoking & drugs).There are different approaches for the management of bilateral cleftlip and palate. Presurgical orthodontic nasoalveolar molding, lip adhesion,one stage or two stages repair. There is a lot of debate about the idealtreatment for bilateral cleft lip.Care of patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate needs a dedicatedteam, presurgical nasoalveolar molding facilitates the lip closure andimproves nasal projection and symmetry and should be tried wheneverpossible. Long term follow up and educating of the parents for thedeformity and its consequences is necessary to achieve optimum results.