Lung cancer is a common cause of cancer-related death, radiologycurrently plays an important role in the detection, diagnosis, staging,and follow-up of lung cancer. Computed tomography (CT) and magneticresonance (MR) imaging rely on anatomic changes for diagnosis,staging, and follow-up of cancer (Bradley, et al, 2004).With time, a better understanding of the benefits and limits ofFDG PET & PET/CT imaging of pulmonary nodules has developed,PET technique has been accurate in differentiating benign frommalignant lesions as small as 1 cm. PET & PET/CT is now used toaugment, rather than replace, conventional imaging strategies.Metabolic imaging with FDG PET has the advantage of requiring only asingle point in time to perform an assessment rather than the multipletime points required for serial follow-up examinations (Bradley, et al,2004).(PET, PET/CT) has the ability to demonstrate abnormal metabolicactivity (at the molecular level) in organs that as yet do not show anabnormal appearance based on morphologic criteria. It aids indifferentiation of malignant from benign lesions and in staging ofmalignancies. (PET, PET/CT) is also useful in the follow-up of patientsfollowing chemotherapy or surgical resection of tumor, most of whomhave a complicating appearance at CT or MR imaging due topostoperative changes or scar tissue (Bradley, et al, 2004).PET/CT is a safe, noninvasive technique that frequently allowsfast and accurate diagnosis of an SPN and should be part of a routinealgorithm for SPN evaluation. Its value is especially evident in patientswith SPNs that are indeterminate by CT criteria, in patients withheterogeneous masses, or in Patients whose clinical history iscomplicated by previous malignancy (Bradley, et al, 2004).