Introduction : Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) represents about 1% to 3% of visceral cancers and account for 85% of renal cancers in adults. The median age is 55 years and male predominance is 2: 1. The incidence of RCC is progressively increasing, and it is predictable that this trend will be maintained in the next years. Renal cell carcinomas are classified morphologically into many variants according to the current World Health Organization (W.H.O) 2004 Classification. These variants include clear cell, papillary, chromophobe, collecting duct carcinoma of Bellini, unclassified carcinoma and other variants.Material & methods : -Data on age and gender of patients diagnosed to have RCC ( in the last 5 years) together with the histopathologic criteria of the tumors were collected from the documented files in the Pathology department, Kasr El Einy Hospital and other private centers.-The slides were revised and reclassified according to the most recent staging and grading systems, and statistical analysis was done for clinicopathological correlation.Results : From the collected 118 cases, most common type was clear cell variant, being 60 cases (50.8%). There was a male predominance, 72 cases (61%). Mean age was 55.2 years. Most cases were diagnosed at an early stage where 44 cases were T1 (37.3%), and predominance was for cases with low nuclear grade, representing 93 cases of the total (78.8 %).