Menorrhagia is a common complaint of many females; the problem may be severe enough to cause both health and social problems to the suffering females. Hereditary bleeding disorders, as von Willebrand disease may be one of the causes of menorrhagia. The aim of our study is to determine the incidence of von Willebrand Disease in a group of patients complaining of menorrhagia.75 patients complaining of menorrhagia were compared to 25 normal healthy subjects as controls. Personal and medical history, complete blood count, bleeding time, PT, aPTT, platelet aggregation with ADP and Restocetin as well as determination of factor VIII coagulant activity and antigen, were done to the patient as well as the control group. The age of the study group ranged from 16-45 years, while that of the control group was 20-44 years. 62% of the group showed anemia of varying degrees, and 30.7% of them received blood transfusion.We diagnosed von Willebrand Disease in 7 patients (9.33%). These patients showed anemia, variable bleeding time, variable prothrombin time, prolonged aPTT, slightly reduced platelet aggregation with ADP, markedly reduced platelet aggregation with Restocetin, reduced factor VIII coagulant activity as well as antigen concentration.We conclude that von Willebrand Disease is a common cause of menorrhagia that leads to health and social problems.Investigations for the diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease should be added to the work up of all patients complaining of menorrhagia. This enables treatment on etiology basis, thereby reducing morbidity and its impact on patient’s social life.