Zaki, Adel M., El-Gendi, Muhammad, El-Arousi, Wafaa;
El-Faramawi, Amr Abdel-Aziz
2017-03-30 06:23:25
2017-03-30 06:23:25
M.D. Thesis
Objective The present study was conducted to evaluate the safety and utility of early exercise treadmill test (ETT) of low risk patients presenting with acute chest pain. Methods 170 patients were divide into two groups: 135 (79.4%) in group-I, and 35 (20.6%) patients with history of CAD (group-II). ETT using Bruce protocol was performed after 12-24 hours of observation in the CPU. Results 74.8% of group-I patients and 60% of group-II patients had negative ETTs. Six months follow-up showed no evidence of mortality, no adverse cardiac events.Conclusion Predischarge ETT after period of observation in the (CPU) to rule out ACS is safe and accurate as well as cost-effective in diagnostic risk stratification of selected low-risk patients with chest pain.