El-Tamawi, Muhammad S. , Helmi, Azza A. , Zaki, Hamed
Matta, Bahaa Rushdi
2017-03-30 06:20:21
2017-03-30 06:20:21
M.Sc. Thesis
Transplantation is defined as a process of removing an organ or part of an organ and transferring it to a host, which can be the same or another subject. A brain graft refers to small pieces of tissue placed into the host brain. In spite of the great progress in medical therapy of Parkinson’s disease during the last 15 years. Surgical treatment in the form of neural transplantation is the focus of increasing investigation. Bone marrow transplantation for multiple sclerosis may be beneficial. Myoblast transfer has been tested as a way to correct mutant nuclear deoxynucleic acid. Attention has recently been directed toward enhancing cholinergic transmission, which is reduced in Alzheimer’s disease due to disruption of the subcortical cholinergic projection. The principle indication for nerve grafting is the presence of a nerve gap.