We study anthropometric measurements and serum cortisol level in 63Egyptian asthmatic children (40 boys and 23 girls), with an age range of 3-10 years (mean age 6.65 yr), did not receive systemic corticosteroids andnot suffering from systemic chronic diseases, they were selected from theAllergy Clinic at the Children's Hospital, Cairo University.We classified them in two groups, group1 (30 asthmatic patientson ICS) and group 2 (33 asthmatic patients not received ICS). We foundthat there is no significant difference in anthropometric measurementsand serum cortisol level between the two groups; these results supportthe safety of ICS on growth. More over, we found that the height ofgroup 2 (children not on ICS) are shorter than group 1 (patients on ICS)(significant p = 0.013).