The taxanes docetaxel and paclitaxel have significant clinical activity in metastatic breastcancer. A number of clinical trials have evaluated the tolerability and efficacy of weeklytaxane administration to optimize the benefit-to-risk ratio in metastatic breast cancer.Single-agent studies with docetaxel and paclitaxel in metastatic breast cancer showclinically significant antitumor activity even in advanced, heavily pretreated, resistant,and/or refractory disease. This activity is also evident with taxane-based combinationregimens. Severe hematological and non hematological toxicities are infrequent, with othertoxicities noted based on the dose and weekly regimen selected. Weekly docetaxel andpaclitaxel regimens represent valuable therapeutic options for women with metastatic breastcancer and have entered evaluation as part of adjuvant therapy for this disease.