In 2001, the International Continence Society committee onterminology put forth a well-considered set of definitions for lowerurinary tract symptoms, including SUIConservative therapies for stress urinary incontinence (SUI),including pelvic floor exercises, functional electrical stimulation, andpharmacologic management with duloxetine, have experienced aresurgence of interest over the past several years.Surgery for urinary incontinence results in support to theurethrovesical junction, arrest of downward descent with straining,and increased pressure transmission to the urethra.Midurethral tension-free sling procedures recreate the suburethralfloor under the midurethra, and this enables coaptation of the urethraduring increased intraabdominal pressure; this procedure has becomepopular in recent years for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence.TVT ,TVT-O and TOT are quick procedures and can be done underlocal anesthesia. Though they are well known as an effective approachswith a high long-term cure rate.