Complications that may occur during and after endovascularintervention, how to minimize it and its definitive management. Factors that affect occurrence of complications. Types and rate of complications in comparison to other studies.This study included 128 paents (130 limbs) and 162 segmens (62 iliac, 72 femoropopliteal, 26 infrapopliteal and 2 gras) presented to kasr Al Ainy teaching hospital complaining of chronic lower limb ischemia. They had peripheral endovascular intervention during the period from November 2009 to July 2010. Complicaons occurred in 25 paents.The rate of complications was 19.23% (25) cases which includedpuncture site complications that occurred in 4 cases (3.07%), retroperitoneal haemorrhage in one case (0.77%) which needed surgical intervention & localized haematoma occurred in 3 cases (2.33%) which were managed conservatively, Angioplasty site complications that occurred in 14 cases (10.78%) which included 8 cases (6.15%) showed thrombosis, 4 cases (3.07%) showed dissection, one case (0.77%) perforation and one case (0.77%) spasm. We didn't have any major medical morbidities. Surgical repair was performed in 7 (5.38%) cases Limb loss occurred in 6(4.6%) cases and mortality occurred only in one case (0.77%).Our study indicates that PTA of lower limb arteries is a safe procedurerequires a short hospital stay, minimally invasive and is clinically effective in the majority of very elderly patients with CLI.