This study was done on 78 cases of maternal. The direct causes of death are the most prevalent one constituting 75.65%. Post partum hemorrhage accounted for 46.44%followed by puerperal sepsis and preeclampsia/eclapsia (10.76% and 4.5% respectively). Their unsafe abortion which was 8.8% while other causes accounted for 29.5%. The mean age of maternal death was 32 +/- 6.6 years. There is a high significant relation between method of delivery and postpartum hemorrhage especially vaginal as 57.9% of the cases of PPH were vaginal delivery, followed by caesarean section which was 21.1%. There is a high statistical significance between death by postpartum hemorrhage and the time of death where death occurred in the first day after delivery in 47.4% of cases of postpartum hemorrhage. 55.3% of the cases died from PPH were in the fourth decade. 50% 0f PPH were due to tear of the birth canal. 66.7% of cases who died from puerperal sepsis were in the second decade. 55.6% of cases died from puerperal sepsis had vaginal mode of delivery. There were five of nine indirect cases(55.5%) died due to cardiac causes as follows: RHD (one), dilated cardiomyopathy (one), IHD (two), and myocarditis (one). The highest rate of maternal death occurred in Delta 41%. The highest percent of the hospitalized patients (81.5%) was in Cairo. The highest percent of maternal death (80.8%) occurred in the 3rd trimester.