Objectives: We evaluated mid-term results of balloon angioplastyperformed in pediatric patients with aortic coarctation. Study design: thisretrospective study included 13 children (11 boys, 2 girls; median age atBAP intervention was 16 months ranging from 4-96 months) whounderwent balloon angioplasty for aortic coarctation. The patients werefollowed up by transthoracic echocardiography assessment for leftventricular functions, recoarctation, and other complications after a periodof time ranging from 9 – 36 months with a mean of 24.38 ± 8.22 monthsafter intervention. Results: The mean peak systolic gradients decreased to≤ 20 in 84% of patient. The mean peak systolic gradients decreased from61.15 ± 12.44 mmHg before angioplasty to 18.87 ± 13.72 mmHg and 15.38± 6.27 mmHg immediately after balloon and at follow up, respectively (P=0.00). The decrease in mean blood pressure gradients was not sufficient intwo cases, where surgical resection were done, improved ventricularfunction in 100% of patients, mortality did not occur, restenosis wereobserved in one case whose age was four months at intervention, whichwas planned for redilatation. Conclusion: Considering its mid-termoutcome, balloon angioplasty is a successful and reliable procedure in thetreatment of aortic coarctation.