The DSM–IV asserts that personality disorders’ onset “can be traced back at least to adolescence or early adulthood”. The most common age for onset of DSH is at about 16 years. AIIM:: This study aimed at assessing the underlying personality traits of adolescent psychiatric patients with DSH, in addition to, studying the relation of DSH to socio-demographic, psychiatric and social factors. Adolescents aged 16-20 presenting to the adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinic were examined and subjected to psychometric tests including PAS and DSHI-s. 60.6% of the total sample, consisting of 33 patients, was females. Depressive disorders were the most commonly diagnosed and 38% reported history of previous suicidal attempts, all of whom were DSH repeaters. Patients with DSH had significantly higher scores on the “Aloofness” variable of the PAS and on the Anxiety, Histrionic & Asthenic key traits. CONCLUSIION:: The majority of the sample (63.6%) engaged in some form of DSH. Patients with DSH had deviant personality traits especially anxiety, histrionic and asthenic key traits, besides the aloofness variable. The most common method of DSH in both sexes was “interference with wound healing”