Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause ofirreversible blindness among aging populations. AMD is caused by acombination of genetic and environmental factors. One of such genes isthe complement factor H (CFH). It has been reported that thepolymorphism with a coding variant, Y402H in the CFH located onchromosome 1q32 significantly increases the risk of AMD. The presentstudy aims to determine whether the (Y402H) (SNP) of CFH isassociated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in Egyptianpopulation or not. Genomic DNA from 40 AMD patients and 40 controlsubjects was analyzed for (Y402H) SNP using PCR-RFLP. AMDpatients were subjected to history taking, clinical examination &diagnosis confirmed by Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram (FFA). Theresults of this work showed that there was a significant associationbetween smoking, diabetes, hypertension, cataract and previous cataractsurgery on one hand and AMD on the other hand. Furthermore, men hada higher incidence for developing AMD when compared to women andAMD developed in Egyptian patients in a much younger age group whencompared to other ethnic groups. But there was no significant associationbetween the three genotypes and AMD (P= 0.158).Conclusion: we couldnot confirm the association between the (Y402H) polymorphism and AgeRelated Macular Degeneration in Egyptian population.