Working memory plays a key role in supporting children's learning over the school years, and beyond into adulthood. It is proposed here that working memory is crucially required to store information while other material is being mentally manipulated. It functions as a mental workspace that can be flexibly used to support everyday cognitive activities that require both processing and storage. Without working memory, we would not be able to carry out this kind of complex mental activity in which we have to both keep in mind some information while processing other materials. A child with poor working memory capacity will struggle and often fail in such activities, disrupting and delayed learning. A computer based program was designed; the Arabic Brain Fitness Program "تحدي الذاكرة" that targets the defects in working memory. The program was then applied on children with learning disabilities, in order to speed up their brain function, improve its accuracy and strengthen working memory capacity. After 40 days of training, these children showed improvement in auditory sequential memory and visual sequential memory. They became able to stay focused, ignore distractions, plan next steps, remember instructions, start and finish tasks in a better way.