Objectives: to investigate the MRI examination of the male urethra, and to determine its utility in detection, characterization and diagnosis of different urethral diseases especially urethral stricture and to compare it to conventional urethrography. Methods: sixteen male patients diagnosed to have urethral lesions were enrolled in this study, over a 7 month duration. The study was performed by retrograde urethral injection or during micturition after IV contrast injection. MR urethrography were done.Results: Out of the 16 patient, the patients were diagnosed having posterior urethral lesion(n=6) showed the followings: 3 patient had urethral disruption in MRI & conventional urethrography images, 2 patient had urethral disruption & prostatic displacement in MRI images (1 case showed posterior displacement & superior displacement in the other), while they showed only the urethral disruption in conventional urethrography images & 1 patient had partial urethral stricture by MRI & showed totally non opacified posterior urethra in conventional urethrography The patients who had anterior urethral lesions (n=10) showed the followings: 8 patients showed same findings in both studied modalities (Five patients had urethral stricture, two patients had stricture & diverticulum, one patient had diverticulum). In two cases, MRI showed extra clinically important information when compared to conventional urethrography, one patient had partial stricture with urethral wall thickening in MRI while in RUG showed only partial stricture & the last patient showed diffuse urethral wall thickening in MRI & in RUG showed diffuse pseudodiverticulosis.Conclusion: MR urethrography is an accurate method in delineating urethral lesions, site, length, degree of strictures and extraluminal important information like periurethral fibrosis, prostatic displacement that cannot be obtained with RUG & VCUG.