Ejaculatory duct obstruction is considered a rare cause of infertility. Itis present 1% to 5% of infertile men and it constitutes 5% ofazoospermic men.Ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO) can be either congenital due toejaculatory duct atresia, ejaculatory ducts stenosis and mullerian,wolffian or utricular cysts or acquired such as iatrogenic or accidentaltrauma, urethritis, prostatitis, prostatic calcification, ejaculatory ductscalculi and the obstruction may be partial or complete, unilateral orbilateral.In partial EDO the clinical presentation is highly variable and caninclude a wide spectrum of the semen abnormalities ranging from lowto normal semen volume, azoospermia to normozoospermia, and themotility is usually diminished.