In this study we found a significant difference regarding intact PTH whichtend to be higher in the patients on regular dialysis , a significant differenceregarding total calaium which is higher in the patients on regular dialysisand a significant difference regarding alkaline phosphatase which tend tobe higher in the patients on regular dialysis.The B/ST ratio for the skull, femer and lumber vertebra correlated closelywith serum biochemical markers .Thus, consideration of the B/ST ratio along with quantitative analysis andbone scintigraphy may be useful for estimating bone turnover, and may beavailable for the longitudinal follow- up of hemodialysis patients.Provided that the B/ST ratio of the skull , the femur and lumbar vertebreachange dramatically after treatment of hyperparathyroidism , we believethat it will be benificial to evaluate the therapeutic effect of ROD, weshould investigate the changes of both the B/ST ratio and other bonemetabolic markers, and the usefulness of the B/ST ratio of the skull ,femur and lumber verterbra.