The objective: This was a retrospective study of demographic dataof sickle cell anemia patients attending Haematology outpatient clinic ofnew children Hospital , Cairo University.The subjects and methods: Our data collected from medicalrecords , this included clinical ,laboratory data & different treatmentmodalities. studied population consisted of all SCD patients whoattending & following up at hematology outpatient clinic ,new childrenhospital, Cairo university . The data was retrospectively collected .The results: we show retrospective demographic analysis of SCDpatients as 106 of them S-S and 43 S-β thalassemia, 78 male and 71female ,54.4% of positive consanguinity and 126 patients on transfusionprogram , 31.7% of them on chronic transfusion and 46 patients onchelation and 65 patients treated by HU .The study demonstrate the major complication affect SCD patients. the study demonstrate 16.1% affected by HCV by PCR and otherhaematological values. The number of painful crisis, hospitalizations andthe number of transfused blood units were significantly reduced byregular follow up and proper treatment espicially by HU, there was astatistically significant in HbS and HbA and positive consangunity withp-values= 0.003 ,0.05 and 0.0001 respectively .Conclusion: Proper follow up and routine investigation with goodchelation and proper treatment especially with hydroxyurea currentlyprovides the best available stratige to achieve hematological and clinical improvements in sickle cell disease.