Coverage of soft tissue defects over the lower third of the leg still adifficult challenge to reconstructive surgeons. There are various methods ofcoverage including skin grafts, local flaps, distant flaps and free flaps. Thechoice of the reconstructive technique is influenced by many factorsincluding the general condition of the patient, the local condition of thedefect and the nearby tissues and personal factors.Evaluation of different coverage methods was done in twenty patientsof different ages and sex presented with post traumatic lower third legdefectsComparison between the different used techniques showed that theuse of skin grafts can be successful in covering defects not overlying bonesor tendons devoid of periosteum and paratenon. Healing by secondaryintention can be allower when there is small defect in a patient not fit forlong surgery time.Local random rotational flap can be used in small defects withexposed bone or tendons. Muscle flaps have a limited use in lower third legdefects. Fasciocutaneous flaps were proved to be a good choice for most ofthe defects unless extensively damaged nearby tissues or impaired limbvascularity. Free flaps are an excellent option and can be the only choice inmarkedly damaged and severely crushed defects.