Schistosomiasis is a chronic worldwide disease and it is one of the major public health problems in Egypt for several decades.This descriptive study is conducted to describe the time trends of Shistosoma haematobium, the recent epidemiology of the disease and identify the present control efforts in Fayoum governorate.The study based on records of s.haematobium in Fayoum governorate from the health directorate , records of school children urine examination from the health units of El hagar and El atamna villages and interviews with both health providers and a group of school children.The results of the study reveal that stool analysis for S. mansoni is not done in the governorate, the prevalence and incidence of S.haematobium in Fayoum governorate show decline from 2004 until 2007, Etsa and Tamea district show the highest prevalence and incidence in Fayoum governorate. Defect in the knowledge about schistosomiasis between the school children and defect in the schistosomiasis control program in the rural health units.These findings indicate the need for screening of s. mansoni and mass chemotherapy to Etsa and Tamea districts.