Autism is a developmental disorder marked by severe deficits inreciprocal social interaction, communication, and imagination as well asrepetitive and restricted pattern of interests and behaviour. It is earlysymptom profile includes neurological findings, structural and functionalbrain abnormalities; these findings and the chronicity of autism stronglyargue for a biological basis, including genetic liabilities.The aim of this thesis is to study the changes in language development inchildren with autistic features and to correlate it with the rating scale ofautism found in these children in order to reach a better understanding ofit's effects on the language development in these children and thus toconsider them while planning therapy program for such children. Thestudy was conducted on two groups of children, the first group consists of60 normal children with age range between 4 and 7 years. The secondgroup consists of 60 autistic children with age range between 3 y 7m and7 y. Language evaluation using language test, assessment of the autisticfeatures using CARS test and psychometric evaluation performed toevery child.