Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasingly recognized as a public health problem,and is linked to the risk of development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and end-stage renaldisease (ESRD) with their attendant morbidity, mortality and increased healthcare costs.Aim of work: is to outline a planned control strategy for renal diseases.Subject and Methods: This study was conducted among CKD Egyptian patients (n=150) in thenephrology outpatient clinic of El Kasr Al Aini hospital.Results: Diabetes Mellitus in 66 (44.0%), Hypertension in 56 (37.3%), collagen vascular diseasesin 46 (30.7%), obstructive uropathy in 17 (11.3%), urinary tract infections in 13 (8.7%), gout in 12(8.0%) and unknown etiology in 19 (12.7%).Conclusion: Old age, female, illiteracy and low social level are significantly associated with lowGFR. On the other hand, smoking, habitual intake of analgesics, residential exposure to chemicals,family history of CKD and lack of compliance for regular follow up are not significantly associatedwith low GFR. Only patients with Collagen vascular diseases and Gout are significantly associatedwith low Glomerular Filtration Rates.