Peripheral nerve blocks provide excellent anesthesia, postoperative pain relief, improved hemodynamic instability compared with neuraxial blocks, fewer side effects than general anesthesia, and facilitate early physical activity. They are also associated with reduced use of opioids for postoperative pain, fewer postoperative complications and earlier hospital discharge. Moreover, single injection regional blocks and continuous peripheral catheters play a valuable role in a multimodal approach to pain management in the initially ill patient providing excellent patient comfort while reducing the physiological stress response. The use of nerve stimulator and ultrasound guided techniques offer better safety profile and higher success rate. Also the availability of better equipment for continuous peripheral nerve blocks (CPNBs) has expanded the utility of these techniques. Continuous blocks with perineural catheters is an attractive method of maintaining the advantages of plexus blockade into the postoperative period and have shown to reduce postoperative pain, oral opioid requirements and their side effects.