Misoprostol (cytotecR) is a prostaglandin El analog originally intended for preventionof gastric ulcer caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Misoprostol is notregistered for use during pregnancy, but in most countries physicians may use licensed Medications outside the recommendation given in the license with appropriate informedpatient consent. Misoprostol has a number of advantages for clinical use. It has a longShelf life, is easy to be administered, unlike other prostaglandins used in obstetrics, it isSignificantly cheaper and does not require refrigeration. Misoprostol is manufactured in Two forms :100 micro-Gram unscored and 200 micro-gram scored tablets, which can bebroken to provide approximate 25 and 50 microgram doses. Although misoprostol is meant for oral administration, the tablets have also been administered vaginally,sublingually, buccally and rectally. No data are available about misoprostolPharmacokinetics during the third trimester, but studies on the pharmacokinetics ofMisoprostol given by various routes for first-trimester abortion have suggested that theSublingual and oral routes result in significantly higher serum peak concentrations ofMisoprostol acid compared with the vaginal route, with significantly shorter times topeak concentration. The purpose of this study is to evaluate by means of a systematicreview, the effectiveness and safety of different routes used to administer misoprostol for Induction of labor.