Nutrition is an important issue in medical training, but the knowledge, attitude andbehaviors related to healthy diet among medical students in Faculty of Medicine CairoUniversity have not been elucidated. METHODS: This study was a need assessmentthat examined knowledge, attitude and practices of medical students towards healthydiet. A purposeful sample of 300 medical students in the 3rd, 4th and 5th year-classes(age ranged from 19-22 years) completed an assisted self-administered questionnaire.Knowledge, attitude and behaviors related to healthy diet, physical activity anddemographic characteristic including body weight, and height were evaluated.RESULTS: The mean total score for nutrition related knowledge was significantlyhigher among females (p= 0.01) and was related to attendance of Public Healthclasses only in Fourth Grade students (p =0.008) .More than one third of them(35.0%) were classified as overweight and the minority was obese (9.4%). Asignificant proportion of medical students reported a negative attitude towards healthydiet; this was greatly reported by majority of males students (p=0.001). Almost neverpracticing exercise was significantly higher among female students while practicingexercise 3+times per week was significantly more reported by male students.Frequency of consumption of lentils, beans, fruits and skinless poultry was higheramong male students (p=0.001). Frequency of consumption of poultry with its skinwas higher among the females students (p=0.05). Skipping breakfast and eating whilewatching TV were reported and represent practices that ought to be changed.Conclusion: A strategic plan that includes curricular and extracurricular componentstargeting health promotion of medical students is urgently required. Healthy dietaryhabits and acquisition of healthy weight should be core components of this plan.