Review of literature was done evaluating the technique of endoscopicdecompression in cases of segmental canal stenosis.The procedures may be done under general anaesthesia, epidural orspinal anaesthesia. A small foraminotomy hole is made at a stenotic segmentof the lumbar spine. Through this small foraminotomy hole, the stenotic spinalcanal is enlarged bilaterally. The operation can be performed at single ormultiple levels. Unlike conventional laminectomy surgery, the spinal integrity(including the anatomy and function) is preserved with this endoscopicsurgery as it minimize bone resection. This functional lumbar stenosis surgerydoes not require bone fusion or metal plate implantation. It is less invasivebecause spinal decompression is accomplished with a small incision, minimaltissue dissection, and minimal bone removal when compared withconventional laminectomy technique. Thus, surgical recovery is fast andallows the patient to be more mobile immediately after surgery.