Our results might be explained by the hypothesis that the PhysicalFunctioning subscale is a 10-item scale that measures type and extent ofphysical limitations of regular daily activity which may affect HRQL.Four donors experienced complications, had a lot of discomfort,limitation in performing physical activities and prolonged hospital stay(ranging from 8-32 days) limited their daily activities, their work wasdelayed causing adverse financial affects and disturbed their HRQL asevidenced by the below average scores in the PF health domain of thesurvey.Despite the occurrence of post operative complications and theiraffect on PF, the remaining 7 health domains were not affected among theselected donor, none of the donors required surgery and all the donorsreturned to their preoperative state and returned to their normal activitywithin a few months (ranging from 2-4 months), denoting that donorquality of life was not altered and was similar to that of the control group.