Although the exact magnitude of the problem of perinatal morbidityand mortality has not yet been properly identified, a common finding wasthat the problem is more serious in Upper Egypt particularly rural areas.Objectives:Assessment of the incidence, distribution and underlying factors ofperinatal mortality as well as the different neonatal morbidities.Results:A total 240 births have been investigated, 3 still births wereencountered (1.25%) and 3 early neonatal deaths have been detected(1.25%).As regards morbidity it was observed that (63.3%) of the followed upneonates suffered at least one morbidity problem throughout the earlyneonatal period (1st week).Regarding the morbidity problems encountered, infection occupied thetop of the list constituting (72.4%) of morbidities among the studiedneonates. The overall (45.8%) of studied neonates suffered at least oneattack of infection during the early neonatal period. In order of frequency,the most common type of infection detected was acute RespiratoryInfection (20.4%) followed by Gastrointestinal Infection (16.3%),Conjunctivitis (8.3%), Napkin Dermatitis (7.9%), Oral Moniliasis (2.5%),Umbilical Sepsis (1.3%).Among the non infectious problems, prematurity was the most commonmorbidity occurring at an incidence of (11.3%), followed by asphyxianeonatorum (8.3%), low birth weight (5.4%), birth trauma (3.8%),Congenital anomalies (1.2%)