Histological changes induced by pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria onrabbit's corneas and the therapeutic effect and the safety of intracameralinjection of moxifloxacin were examined. 42 eyes of 21 adult male albinorabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups. Group A rabbits were given0.1ml balanced saline solution by a single intracameral injection. GroupB rabbits were given 0.1ml (0.5 mg) moxifloxacin (vigamox) by a singleintracameral injection. Group C rabbits were injected by 0.1 ml (containsabout 1.89×104 microorganisms) intrastromally of pseudomonas bacteriapreparation and subdivided into 2 subgroups C1 and C2 according to timeof scarification. Group D rabbits were infected with pseudomonasaeruginosa then injected by moxifloxacin 0.1ml (0.5 mg) intracamerally.The corneas were examined by light microscopy and transmissionelectron microscopy. Results: examination of the corneal sections ingroup B revealed no significant changes when compared to control. Ingroup C1 corneal sections showed picture of keratitis in the form ofincrease in the corneal thickness, altered morphology of the epitheliumand infiltration by inflammatory cells. In group C2 the picture of keratitiswas markedly increased, with loss of both epithelial and endotheliallayers. Examination of group D sections showed regression in the pictureof keratitis. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that infection of thecornea by pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause severe keratitis that maylead to severe damage to the eye if not treated properly. This studyshowed also that moxifloxacin seems to be non toxic to cornea wheninjected intracamerally and was effective in treatment of pseudomonaskeratitis.