Objective: Craniopharyngioma is the most frequent tumor in thesellar region in children. There are two main management pathways withregards to the treatment of the tumour. The first involves attempted grosstotal resection of the tumour, the second approach is for more limitedsurgery, aimed at debulking the tumour to reduce the mass effect on theoptic pathways and/or to re-establish the cerebrospinal fluid pathways andnot to disturb the endocrinal functions followed by adjuvant therapy, theaim of this study is to evaluate the hormonal outcome and endocrinalfunctions after these management pathways. Methods: 18 patients under18 years old were diagnosed to have craniopharyngiomas were treated inchildren cancer hospital between January 2010 and December 2011 byboth pathways, 8 patients had gross total resection and 10 patients hadsubtotal resection. Results: 8 patients out of the patients who had subtotalresection (80%) had no severe endocrinal disturbance and required nohormonal replacement while only 2 patients needed hormonal replacement.On the other, hand 7 patients (87.5%) out of the patients who had totalresection suffered from severe endocrinal disturbance and needed hormonalreplacement but only one patient (12.5%) passed without need forhormonal replacement. Conclusion: Subtotal resection of the craniopharyngioma(if the tumor could not be removed safely) and adjuvanttherapy give better hormonal outcome than the radical resection