Since the first true ingunial herniorrhaphy was performed by Bassini over 100 years, all modifications and surgical techniques has shared a common disadvantage: suture line tension. The anatomic, physiologic and pathologic characteristics of hernia recurrence are examined. The prime etiologic factor behind most herniorrhaphy failure is the suturing together, under tension of structures that are not normally in apposition. With the use of modern mesh prosthetics, it is now possible to repair inguinal hernias without distortion of the normal anatomy and with no suture line tension. In this study a new Bi-layer prolene mesh device was used in 10 patients to repair inguinal hernia. The Bi-layer prolene mesh consists of underlay part which strengthens the posterior inguinal canal wall from behind and onlay part which strengthens the posterior inguinal wall from the front and they are connected together by mesh plug mesh which is called connector part. The results were encouraging as all patients were ambulatory, with minor complications and no recurrence.