Temozolomide is an alkylating agent that has demonstrated clinical antitumour activity with various advanced cancers, including malignant gliomas. It is a pilot study in which eleven patients were selected, six of them (54.5%) had the diagnosis of anaplastic astrocytoma while, five (45.5%) had glioblastoma multiform. Regarding sex, nine were males while only two females. Partial regression of the initial lesion volume was noted in three lesion (27.3%), stationary course in five (45.5%) patients while progressive course in three patients and no complete response was achieved. No serious life threatening events mandating discontinuation of therapy, eight out of eleven patient had grade I & II nausea and vomiting, only one patient had grade I neutropenia. Only one patient developed generalized skin rash after day one of the first cycle, which subside with ordinary antiallergic therapy. All patient were followed up to one year, where four patient died, while the remaining seven patient are still alive. In conclusion temozolomide can be considered to play a significant positive role in the palliative management of recurrent high grade gliomas.