Rashid, Huda M., El-Hadidi, Heba H., Tawfiq, Sherin U.
Gawdat, Hebat-Allah Esmaeil
2017-03-30 06:23:49
2017-03-30 06:23:49
M.Sc. Thesis
Lesins on the lips being in full view can be disfiguring and of aesthetic concern to patients. Some lesions involve the lip alone but others may be seen in association with lesions in other mucosae. Lip lesions may present by bleeding e.g. angiomas, blisters e.g. burns, swellings e.g. angioedema and ulceration e.g. aphthae. Lesions affecting the lips are classified into congenital disorders e.g. acrodermatitis enteropathica and acquired disorders e.g. carcinomas (squamous & basal cell carcinomas). The possible ways of diagnosis and management of such dermatoses.