Eisa, Sumaya A. , Hamed, Yousuf A. , Sulayman, Nadya
Rashdan, Nesrin Adel Muhammad
2017-03-30 06:21:06
2017-03-30 06:21:06
M.D. Thesis
Behcet’s disease is a multisystemic inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology and its pathogenesis is not fully understood the aim of our works was to estimate the serum levels of lipoprotein a heat shock protein antiphospholipid antibodies to assess their diagnostic value in Behcet’s disease and that of pathergy test in 30 patients and 15 controls the serum lipoprotein a and heat shock protein concentration were significantly higher in patients compared to the control group where serum antiphospholipid concentration was significantly decreased in patient compared to the control group. Serum lipoprotein A was significantly higher in patients with vascular complications while the other 2 levels were not. Pathergy test is positive in 6/ 30 of patients (20%) and negative in all the controls