The human corneal epithelial thickness is about 50 to 52 μm and it is made up of five to seven layers of very regularly arranged differentiatingepithelial cells As with other epithelia, the renewal of corneal epithelium ismaintained by the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells residing inthe limbus. The limbal epithelium is the transitional zone between thecornea and conjuncva and is about 10 to 12 cell layers thick, and containsmelanocytes, Langerhan cells and an underlying network of blood vesselsin the limbal stroma. The limbal stroma with its overlying epithelium isarranged in radial fibrovascular elevations called the Palisades of Vogt,which alternate with epithelial rete ridges.The aim of this essay is to review the different factors affectingcorneal wound healing including their nature, mechanism of action, theirrole in affecting corneal wound healing and the possibility of using thesefactors to decrease incidence of visual morbidity.