The advances in venous imaging allowed better understanding ofvenous disease.Surgery remained the gold standard for treatment of varicose veinswith sapheno-femoral incompetence and great saphenous vein reflux fordecades.The demand for smaller scars, fewer complications and faster returnto work has inspired a number of new treatment options for varicose veins.One of the most exciting areas of venous disease treatment is theablation technique, instead of removing the great or short saphenous vein. Aradiofrequency device is used to obliterate the vein, accomplished bygenerating heat through high frequency that is delivered by a small catheter,which destroys the endothelium of the vein. Another effective means ofobliteration the saphenous vein is the endo-venous LASER treatment andachieved via heat generated from a LASER tip, mounted on a catheter,which destroys the endothelium of the vein. Foam sclerotherapy involvesdestruction of the inner wall of the vein by injection of sclerosing agents andcauses its lumen to obliterate.The current standard of care for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) isanticoagulation.A new strategy for the design of new anticoagulant drugs is based onselective inhibition of a specific coagulation factor. These include directthrombin inhibitors and factor Xa inhibitorsPercutaneous mechanical thrombectomy (PMT) with adjunctivethrombolytic therapy is a minimally invasive, low-risk therapeutic option inpatients with extensive DVT, associated with clinical benefits includingthrombus removal, patency, and relief of symptoms