Thoracoscopy is based on preserving all normal healthy tissue ofthe chest, while completely treating the pathology surgically.Reduces trauma on structures related to stability (muscles,ligaments, articular processes) and soft tissue, reduces trauma to the chestwhich in turn reduces pain and facilitates recovery and reducespulmonary dysfunction and provide cosmetic benefits.Improved visualization and illumination allowing the surgeon tochange rapidly between macro and microsurgical pictures, Idealvisualization of the cervicothoracic and thoracolumbar spine withoutneed to disinsert the scapula or diaphragm, multiple levels can bereached through the same portsThis technique cannot be performed if the patient has dense,extensive pleural adhesions (from a prior thoracotomy; emphysema,haemothorax, or pleurodesis) or severe pulmonary disease (chronicobstructive pulmonary disease, parenchymal disease).Thoracoscopy provides no access to the posterior spinal elements(lamina, spinal processes) or the contralateral pedicle.