The aim of this work was to study the sexual function and pattern of sexual dysfunction among elderly Egyptian ladies over 50 years age. This sample study was carried on these subject attending out patient clinics of gynecological department of Kasr El-Eini Hospital. The subjects were 100 randomly selected and were asked to answer a questionnaire including all item about their sexual history. We noticed that the sexual relation is stopped in more than 84% of cases of our study the cause of stoppage sexual relation is death of the husband 49%, husband sexual dysfunction 47%, illness of the husband 15%, loss of interest by the woman herself 42%, also the personal distress and anxiety affect negatively 100% of cases. History of wide prevalence of circumcision 100%, anorgasmia 98%, low arousal 73%, sexual pain 60%. Also seeming the effect of menopause and child rearing affect the sexuality negatively in 100%.