Muharram, Hazem M. , Mahmoud, Ekram H. , Zaghloul, Ashraf S.
Semaisem, Ahmad Redha Amin
2017-03-30 06:21:15
2017-03-30 06:21:15
M.D. Thesis
Our purpose was to evaluate MR virtual endoscopy in detection of urinary bladder tumors compared with conventional cystoscopy as the gold standard. 52 patients with clinically suspected or known to have bladder neoplasms underwent conventional and virtual cystoscopy. 94 ( 96.9 % ) of 97 bladder lesions detected with conventional cystocopy were shown on virtual images. This suggests that virtual cystocopy may be of value for screening, primary diagnosis and surveillance when conventional cystocopy cannot be preformed or is ineffective