Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a form of liver disease resembling alcoholic liver disease in a patient who did not consume significant amount of alcohol. Our study is concerned with the relation between iron level in serum and in liver tissue in NASH. 44 patients with NASH proved by liver biopsy were the subjects of our study. The investigations done to all of them included: fasting and post prandial blood glucose, hepatitis markers, lipid profile, liver function tests serum iron, serum ferritin, prothrombin time and concentration, abdominal ultrasonography, ultasonography guided liver biopsy and histopathological examination of the specimen. Our results showed elevation of the serum levels of iron, TIBC and serum ferritin. Also, 84% of our patients had elevated mean level of TIS. There was no significant difference in the studied iron parameters in different grades of steatosis and in different grades of activity while there was significant difference in different stages of fibrosis. Thus we might conclude that in addition to diabetes mellitus, lipid abnormalities and obesity, increased iron stores may play an important role in development of fibrosis in NASH and this may be through increased oxidative stress that ultimately leads to fibrosis and iron reduction might be of benefit in the treatment of this disease.