El-Dakhli, Muhammad R. , Ghanem, Husain M. , Gad-Allah, Amr M.
Aly, Hani Mukhtar Muhammad
2017-03-30 06:19:29
2017-03-30 06:19:29
M.Sc. Thesis
The aim of this work was to evaluate the role of CPZ in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. fifty patients with ED were selected from the Andrology clinic of Kasr Al-Aini Hospital. The patients were divided into 4 groups: Group ( 1) 15 patients given 1CC of papaverine/ phentolarnine and 1CC of papaverine/CPZ ; Group (2) 15 patients given the half dose of Group 1 (0.5 CC) ; Group (3) 20 patients given 1CC of papaverine/ phentolarnine/ PGE1 / atropine& 1 CC of papaverine/ CPZ / PGE1 / atropine ; Group (4) 18 patients given different doses of CPZ alone. The patients’ responses were evaluated after injection for 2 hours. In conclusion, intracavernosal CPZ induces penile erection combined with other vasoactive agents and it can be considered as an alternative to phentolarnine in the diagnosis and treatment of ED.