Background: Podoplanin, a glycoprotein involved in cell migration, has been linked to invasion and metastasis of various tumors. Methods: The immunohistochemical expression and localization of podoplanin was evaluated in 46 archival paraffin-embedded specimens including solid (multicystic), desmoplastic, peripheral, unicystic ameloblastoma and ameloblastic carcinoma Results: All studied specimens showed positivecytoplasmic and membranous immunoreaction for podoplanin with significantly variable expression levels (p<0.0001). Immunopositivity was mainly observed in cells in intimate contact with the connectivetissue stroma, whereas slight or negative podoplanin reaction was detected in the central stellate reticulum-like cells. Moreover, podoplanin was demonstrated in the stromal fibroblasts and in lymphatic vessels surrounding the epithelial nests of ameloblastoma. The mean area percentage of podoplanin immunoexpression was significantly greater in mural unicystic ameloblastoma compared to the luminal and intraluminal subtypes (p=0.0092). The greatest mean area percentage of podoplanin immunoexpression was recorded in the malignant ameloblastoma.Conclusion: Podoplanin is involved in the development and progression of different types of ameloblastoma. Its localization in the peripheral tumor cells might be associated with the invasive behavior.