The current study was conducted on ten male patients with anteriormandibular fractures selected randomly from the outpatient clinic, OralSurgery Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, CairoUniversity.Preoperative evaluation of the patients was carried out throughclinical and radiographic examination. Clinical examinations were carriedout extra- and intraorally by inspection and palpation of the fracture sites.Radiographic examination was in the form orthopantogram views todetermine the site and type of fractures and degree of displacement. Datacollected from each patient were recorded in a special examination chart.Under General anesthesia and aseptic condition, the fracture was exposedthrough an intraoral approach, the fracture segments were reduced underdirect vision and fixed with biodegradable Bioretec ActivaScrewsTM.Postoperative clinical and radiographic examinations were carried out upto 8 weeks. The postoperative clinical follow up evaluated the woundhealing, signs of infection, stability of the fractured segments, occlusiondiscrepancy and palpability of the screws through the overlying softtissues.Radiographic follow-up evaluated the degree of healing thatoccurred along the fracture line by the change that occurred in BoneMineral Density (BMD). It also evaluated the mesoidistal andmediolateral displacement. This was assessed using Cone Beam C.T Scan(CBCT).The Postoperative clinical follow up revealed satisfactory woundhealing. There was no sign of infection, local inflammation or wounddehiscence in all patients. No occlusion disturbance or movement of thefractured segments was detected in all patients. The Postoperativeradiographic follow up showed an overall increase in BMD along thefracture line. This indicated proper bone healing that occurred across thefracture line. Neglecable displacement mesiodistally and mediolaterallywhich needed only minimal occlusal adjustment. All the patientspresented normal functioning occlusion.This suggests further studies to be made using BioretecActivaScrewTM biodegradable lag screw system on a larger number ofpatients and a longer period of follow up.