This study was performed to investigate the influence of micro threadsat neck of immediately placed and loaded single tooth implants using nonoccluding provisional acrylic crown on crestal bone level. Eight subjects with atotal of 10 maxillary premolars teeth scheduled for extraction were included inthis study. They were females. Their ages ranged from 25- 40 years. Micro denttwo pieces implants with micro threads neck and acid etching sand blastingsurface treatment were used in this study.All the implants were evaluated clinically and radio graphically.Radiographic evaluation of the marginal bone level and bone density wasperformed using digitized intraoral periapical radiographs at baseline as well asat 1, 3, and 6 months after implant placement and after 6 months finalrestorationBy the end of the 6th postoperative month, the mean values andpercentage change of marginal bone level and bone density in the presentstudy showed no statistically significant differences.Based on our observations, it could be concluded that the influence ofusing rough neck implants with microthreads on crestal bone level ispromising. However, considering the limitations of the present study (smallsample size and short‐term results of less than 1 year), it still appears difficultto draw clear conclusions on the impact of the microthreads on the amount ofbone loss and thus mandating further researches.