Aim : Management of patients with bleeding disorders wereperformed by using tranexamic acid and minimizing replacementtherapy as much as possible during minor surgical procedures.Patients and Methods : This study was conducted on 100patients suffering from bleeding or coagulation disorders andundergoing simple dental extraction. Patients were divided into twogroups; Group A (inherited coagulation disorder), Group B (plateletdisorder). Each group subdivided into two sub-groups; subgroup (a)were patients taking only tranexamic acid either systemically andlocally. Subgroup (b) were patients receiving replacement therapyaccording to their laboratory screening tests and also using tranexamicacid locally.Results : It showed promising use of tranexamic acid andpossibility of reducing replacement therapy under some precautions.By the end of the follow up period, a healthy healing socket wasobserved in all of the cases. No complications which necessitatehospitalization were developed.Conclusion : Replacement therapy and other infusions are notstrictly necessary as prophylactic regimens during oral surgery butmust be reserved for specific cases with severe bleeding disordersguided by the patient's previous bleeding history. Tranexamic acideither locally or systemically can be effective and sufficient inreducing incidence of postextraction bleeding.