The goal of the implant therapy successful result is the successful osseointegration of the implant, esthetic functional restoration surrounded by stable peri-implant tissue levels that are in harmony with the existing dentition. The maintenance of peri-implant bone is a major in the prognosis of prosthetic rehabilitation supported by implants. The crystal bone loss can also lead to a collapse of soft tissues and adversely affect the aesthetics of implant-prosthetic elements. After the insertion of the implant and its prosthetic connection crystal bone undergoes remodeling and resorption processes. The crystal bone levels resulted approximately 1.5-2 mm below the implant – abutment junction. In this study there is no significant difference between the regular implant and plat form switching. It needs longer time up to two years to give the accurate assessment between regular implant and platform switching. In this study 24 implants used with 12 patient in two grouped have missing upper anterior teeth to be replaced by delayed implants, free from any systemic disease that may affect normal bone healing. Patients were equally divided into involve sex patients with platform switching implants all together with regular implant for comprise. All implants were placed in the upper anterior region using standard technique under local anesthesia. After loading of implants, 3, 6 and 9 months respectively X-ray cone beam to assess crystal bone resorption.