ThesisMicrotensile bond strength of bulk-fill resin composites in high configuration factor cavity preparations
ThesisMicrotensile bond strength of bulk-fill resin composites in high configuration factor cavity preparations
ThesisEffect of packing techniques and cavity configuration factor on the micro-tensile bond strength of bulk-fill resin composite : In-vitro study
ThesisEffect of packing techniques and cavity configuration factor on the micro-tensile bond strength of bulk-fill resin composite : In-vitro study
ThesisMicro-tensile Bond Strength and Durability of Self-adhering flowable composite to dentin in comparison to nano-fill flowable composite: An in-vitro study
ThesisMicro-tensile Bond Strength and Durability of Self-adhering flowable composite to dentin in comparison to nano-fill flowable composite: An in-vitro study
ThesisMicro-tensile dentin bond strength and internaladaptation of resin composite restorationsapplied with different light curing modes inhigh C-factor cavities
ThesisMicro-tensile dentin bond strength and internaladaptation of resin composite restorationsapplied with different light curing modes inhigh C-factor cavities
ThesisDiametral tensile bond strength durability of nano-hybrid resin composite to demineralized dentin with and with-out pre-treatment with two remineralizing agents : In-vitro study
ThesisDiametral tensile bond strength durability of nano-hybrid resin composite to demineralized dentin with and with-out pre-treatment with two remineralizing agents : In-vitro study